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Larry Wall is a linguist, computer scientist, and community organizer. Larry is the creator of the Perl programming language along with many other useful software tools. Perl’s usefulness led to its popularity, which in turn led to a large community of developers and maintainers.
We talk about the role of programming languages in systems, the evolution of Perl itself, and then explore the nature of the community that organized around Perl and its creator.
(Photo: Klapi)
System Ah-ha!
After Larry released the program ‘patch’, a community emerged that actively started contributing to the source code a many programs. (Personally, I see this as the birth of the open source movement – John)
“Don’t believe anybody’s parting advice!”
But seriously, “Pick a group of people that act how you’d want to act in four or five years – find a great community.”
And remember, “There’s more than one way to do it!”
Email: larry@wall.org
The Perl 6 community: Perl6.org
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